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Team Associated - B6.1 Factory Lite MIP Drivetrain Kit, 67mm - Hobby Recreation Products

Team Associated - B6.1 Factory Lite MIP Drivetrain Kit, 67mm

$ 89.24 $ 104.99
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SKU: ASC91844
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1 MIP Pucks(TM) 1-Piece Aluminum Outdrive, male
1 MIP Pucks(TM) 1-Piece Aluminum Outdrive, female
2 MIP Pucks(TM) 17.5 Bi-Metal Bones
2 1-72 x .250 SHCS
4 MIP Keyed Drive Pucks(TM)
2 MIP Bi-Metal(TM) R-CVD Yoke, front
2 MIP Pucks(TM), Keyed Puck Pins No. 1.5 Pucks 1:10
4 1-72 x 1/8" BHCS
1 MIP Thrust Retainer, .236 Aluminum Bore, grooved
7 Bearings, 1/16" Chrome, Steel Balls
1 Diff Thrust Washer