1. What is the difference between ARTR, RTR, BND and Kit?
Answer: ARTR stands for Almost-Ready-to-Run, typically this is a model that has a portion pre-built from the factory, but does not include most or all internal components. RTR stands for Ready-to-Run, typically this will include a full working model in the box. Watch for required items sometimes batteries and chargers are not included. BND stands for Bind-aNd-Drive, typically these are ready to run kits that do not include the radio. These are for those who have an upgraded compatible radio system with multi model memory and looking for a second model. Kit is jut that a kit. Kits usually only include components to build the rolling chassis. You will need tools and additional sold separately items to complete a kit.
2. What scale should I get?
Answer: That depends on your usage. Here is a quick guide.
Indoors home small bedroom- 1/24th scale or smaller
Indoors home large family room-1/16th scale or smaller
Outdoors back yard- 1/10th to 1/8th scale no smaller then 1/18th scale
Outdoors large open field- 1/5th scale no smaller then 1/10th scale
Indoors race track- typically 1/10th or smaller check with your local track for popular classes.
Outdoors race track- typically 1/10th or larger check with your local track for popular classes.
3. How fast does it go?
Answer: Fast! All hobby grade models are significantly faster then toy grade models you have probably bought from Radio Shack or Toys R Us. Most entry-level models go 15 to 35mph that is extremely fast if you think of it in scale speeds. A 1/10th scale model traveling at 35mph scale speed is going 350mph. Most toy models go 7mph or less.
4. Which is the fastest model?
Answer: The fastest production model currently is the XO-1 by Traxxas, unlocked it can go 100mph. It is too fast for a beginner and is for extreme eXperts Only as described by the name X for experts and O for only. It requires a closed course to even be operated its so fast. The fastest model an entry level user should look for is 35mph or less preferably much less, but we are sure there are a few speed demons out there so 35mph or less is our recommendation.
5. Nitro or Electric, Which is better?
Answer: For beginners unless you are familiar or have friends with Nitro models we do NOT recommend them for your first model. We suggest all Beginners start with Electric to learn the basics, car control, maintenance, etc. Nitro engines require frequent/daily tuning and maintenance/cleaning that can be overwhelming to beginners. Electric models have come along way now as well and performance plus run time can rival and/or out perform that of all nitro kits.
6. Which is better, NiMh or LiPo Batteries?
Answer: Short Answer LiPo is more efficient, there for you will get longer run times and more consistent power. What you need to know is NiMh batteries are better for our younger users. They are much easier to charge and can be ran completely dead with minimal wear on the batteries cells. LiPo batteries require a bit more attention and proper charging methods to not cause damage. We recommend LiPo’s only be used by adults or adult super vision. LiPo’s are better, but require more attention; with beginners this is not always the best choice. If you are looking for the best performance available LiPo is the only way to go.
7. Which is better, Brushed or Brushless motors?
Answer: You will notice quite a few kits come with brushed or brushless and some times one model can come either way brushed or brushless. The reason is performance level to cost level Brushless models can potentially be expensive. Brushed motors are great for all beginner levels and can make the model much more affordable. Brushless motors are more efficient, power full and require very little maintenance. If your budget can allow it and the performance does not exceed your ability, brushless would be the preferred option. There is no wrong way to go on this let your budget decide.
8. What are the most popular beginner brands?
Answer: In alphabetical order Duratrax, Electrix, HPI, Losi, Racers Edge, Team Associated and Traxxas. Look for what style you like and then compare features you like and want to cost and you should be able to pick out the best model for you.
9. Does mAh make my model go faster?
Answer: While 6000mAh vs. 3000mAh sounds impressive, it does not affect the speed of the vehicle. Sorry it will not make it twice as fast. It will how ever do the next best thing and that is increasing your run time, mAh stands for Milli-Amp-Hours. A 3000mAh battery is rated to discharge for 3000 Milli-Amp-Hours. Doubling that will nearly double your run time. Increasing the battery voltage will increase your vehicle speed. Caution; check your owner’s manual to make sure your speed-controller can handle higher voltage as you could cause damage increasing your battery voltage.
10. How can I get parts for my vehicle?
Answer: Because you are looking at hobby grade models by shopping our site. Every part is replaceable; some parts can even be upgraded. Locate your owner’s manual if you search by the part or the part description of the part that needs replacing. You will be able to locate what you need and possibly be directed to upgrades that may be available as well. If you don’t find an upgrade, but did not see one, try searching by your model name and the description of the part. If there is an option you should be able to find it by doing this.